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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.271
Hooks, Bell. _Ain't I A Woman_. South End Press, 116 St. Botolph St.,
Boston, Mass. 02115. 1981. ISBN 0-89608-128-1.
Examines the impact of sexism on black women during slavery, the
historic devaluation of black womanhood, black male sexism, racism
within the recent women's movement, and black women's involvement
with feminism. The title comes from an address on the subject
given by Sojourner Truth.
Hooks, Bell. _Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black_.
South End Press, Boston. 1989.
Moraga, Cherrie, and Gloria Anzaldua, eds. _This Bridge Called My
Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color_. Persephone Press,
Watertown, MA, 1981. Kitchen Table Press, New York, 1983.
Anthology of writings by women of color.
Smith, Barbara, ed. _Home Girls: A Black Feminist Anthology_. First
edition. Kitchen Table -- Women of Color Press, New York. 1983.
25. Women's Health.
Boston Women's Health Book Collective. _Our Bodies, Ourselves_.
Simon and Schuster, New York, 1973.
A very practical guide to women & our bodies.
Boston Women's Health Collective. _The New Our Bodies, Ourselves_.
Simon and Schuster, New York. 1984.
Boston Women's Health Collective. _Our Bodies, Ourselves. Growing Older_.
Oriented toward the 40+ crowd.
ACT UP/New York Women and AIDS Book Group. _Women, AIDS, and Activisim_.
South End Press, Boston, MA. 1990.
New book on women and aids and politics.
Corea, Gena. _The Hidden Malpractice_.
A (sometimes alarmist) look at how medical practices overlooks and
mistreats women.
Raymond, Janice G., Renate Klein, and Lynette J. Dumble. _RU 486:
Misconceptions, Myths and Morals_. Institute on Women and Technology,
Cambridge, MA. 1991.
Abortion, moral and ethical aspects; medical ethics. Includes
bibliographical references.
Bateson, Mary Catherine. _Composing a Life_. Penguin Books.
ISBN 0-452-26505-3 (paperback, $9.95).
Bateson profiles five women in a wide variety of fields in an
examination of how their careers happened to develop the way they
Bennett, Betty T, )Mary Diana Dods, A Gentleman and a Scholar_.
William Morrow and Company, New York. 1991. ISBN 0-688-08717-5
Komisar, Lucy. _Corazon Aquino: The Story of a Revolution_. G.
Braziller, New York. 1987.
Marlow, Joan. _The Great Women_. A&W Publishers, New York. 1979.
ISBN: 0-89479-056-0.
A compilation of 60 women of diverse ages and nations.
Moers, Ellen, ed. _Literary Women_. Reprint. The Great Writers series.
Oxford University Press, New York, 1985.
Copywrite 1977. Describes women authors.
Morgan, Robin. _Going Too Far: The Personal Chronicle of a Feminist_.
Random House, New York. 1977.
Perl, Teri. _Math Equals: Biographies of Women Mathematicians and
Related Activities_. Addison-Wesley. 1978.
"Women on the Verge of an Athletic Showdown" in _Science News_, Jan
11, 1992, Vol 141, No. 2, p 141.
Female track athletes are improving their performances at faster
rates than men and, if the trend continues, should be running
marathons as fast as men by 1998, says Brian J. Whipp, a
physiologist at the University of California, Lost Angeles. He and
UCLA co-worker Susan A. Ward predict that women will catch up with
men in most track events by early next century.
Adrian, M.J.: _Sports Women_. Medicine and Sport Science Vol. 24
Interesting essays ranging from physiology to Ancient Greece.
Chopin, Kate, _The Awakening_. Capricorn Books. 1964. Garrett Press,
Inc., New York, 1970. Norton, New York, 1976. Women's Press, London 1979.
Cixous, Helene and Catharine Clement. _The Newly Born Woman_.
University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis. 1986. (Published in French
in 1975).
Dyer, K.F.: _Catching up the Men -- Women in Sport_. Junction Books (UK),
1982. ISBN 086245-075-X.
This book debunks a lot of myths about female inferiority and
fragility by careful investigation and documentation, another
must read.
Ehrenreich, Barbara and Deirdre English, "For Her Own Good: 150
Years of the Experts' Advice to Women", New York: Anchor
Press/Doubleday, 1978.
|Kramarae and Treichler: _A Feminist Dictionary_. 1985.
| Defines many things from a feminist's point of view. Includes
| a good deal of history, figures in the movement, etc.
Lenskij, Helen: _Out of Bounds: Women, Sport and Sexuality_. Women's
Press, Toronto, 1986. ISBN 0-88961-105-X.
Very powerful book about the 20th century changes in how female
sexuality, gender roles, and the waves of female athleticism have
been perceived, and about how these factors influence each other.
A must read.
Mangan/Park (Eds.): _From Fair Sex to Feminism_. Frank Cass & Company Lim.
1987. ISBN 0-7146-4049-2.
|Marine, Gene: _A Male Guide to Women's Liberation_. 1972.
Sabo/Runfola (Eds.): _Jock -- Sports & Male Identity_.
Spectrum/Prentice-Hall 1980. ISBN 0-13-510131-X.
This book also contains several essays on female identity and sports.
Steinem, Gloria. _Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions_.
_Revolution from Within: A Book of Self-Esteem_
This is a collection of articles and essays written by her that
was published sometime in the early 1980's. Some of them are a
result of her earlier career as a journalist. The articles cover
such things as:
* Her becoming a Playboy Bunny (seriously!) in the early 1960's.
* The presidential campaigns of 1968 and 1972.
* "If Men Could Menstruate", a satirical piece in the vein of
"If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament".
* What present-day anti-abortionists have in common with Nazi Germany.
Tuana, Nancy, ed. _Rereading the Canon_. Series. Penn State Press.
This new series will consist of edited collections of essays, some
original and some previously published, offering feminist
reinterpretations of the writings of major figures in the Western
philosophical tradition. Each volume will contain essays covering
the full range of a single philosopher's thought and representing
the diversity of approaches now being used by feminist critics.
The series will begin with a volume on Plato; other early volumes
will focus on Aristotle, Locke, Marx, Wittgenstein, de Beauvoir,
Foucault, and Derrida. Inquiries should be directed to Nancy
Tuana, School of Arts and Humanities, University of Texas at
Dallas, Box 830688, Richardson, TX 75083-0688.
|Tuttle, Lisa: _Encyclopedia of Feminism_. 1986.
Velden, Lee van der & James H. Humphrey: Psychology and sociology of sport,
vol. 1. AMS Press Inc., NY 1986. ISBN 0-404-63401-X.
Woolf, Virginia. _Three Guineas_. 1938. Extensively reprinted.
Written 50 years ago and sadly still very relevant.
Woolf, Virginia. _A Room of One's Own_. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New
York. 1981, c1957.
Winterson, Jeanette. _Oranges are not the only fruit_. Pandora Press
(Unwin Hyman Limited, 15-17 Broadwick SAtreet, London). 1987.
My thanks to: Joseph Albert, Leslie Anderson, Rich Berlin, Mik Bickis,
Anita Borg, Ed Blachman, Bob Blackshaw, Cindy Blank-Edelman, L.A.
Breene, Janet L. Carson, Robert Coleman, Mats Dahlgren, David
desJardins, Jublie DiBiase, Jym Dyer, Ellen Eades, Marc R. Ewing,
Ronnie Falcao, Lisa Farmer, Sharon Fenick, Bob Freeland, Debbie
Forest, Susan Gerhart, Jonathan Gilligan, Thomas Gramstad, Ron Graham,
David Gross, Mary W. Hall, Stacy Horn, Kathryn Huxtable, Joel Jones,
Bonita Kale, Joanne M. Karohl, Corinna Lee, Nancy Leveson, lip@s1.gov
(Loren), Jim Lippard, Albert Lunde, Jill Lundquist, Brian McGuinness,
Fanya S. Montalvo, Tori Nasman, Mirjana Obradovic, Vicki O'Day, Diane
L. Olsen, Joann Ordille, Jan Parcel, J. Rollins, Stewart Schultz,
Mary Shaw, Anne Sjostrom, Ellen Spertus, Jon J. Thaler, Dave Thomson,
Carolyn Turbyfill, Sarah Ullman, Max Meredith Vasilatos, Bronis
Vidiguris, Paul Wallich, Sharon Walter, Karen Ward, Marian Williams,
Celia Winkler, Michael Winston Woodring, Sue J. Worden, and Daniel
Especial thanks to the MLVL library catalogue system.
Please mail in comments, additions, corrections, suggestions, and so
on to feminism-request@ncar.ucar.edu.
--Cindy Tittle Moore
"If an aborigine drafted an IQ test, for example, all of Western
Civilization would probably flunk."
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From: tittle@ics.uci.edu (Cindy Tittle Moore)
Newsgroups: soc.feminism,news.answers
Subject: soc.feminism Resources
Supersedes: <feminism/resources_722412017@athena.mit.edu>
Followup-To: poster
Date: 17 Dec 1992 06:02:24 GMT
Organization: University of California at Irvine: ICS Dept.
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Expires: 25 Jan 1993 06:02:10 GMT
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NNTP-Posting-Host: pit-manager.mit.edu
X-Last-Updated: 1992/08/06
Archive-name: feminism/resources
Version: 1.5
Last-modified: 6 August 1992
This article, for the soc.feminism newsgroup, provides a list of
various resources and feminist organizations. Much information is
still needed, and any contributions are gratefully accepted. The
preponderance of information here is for the USA; information about
organizations in other countries would be greatly appreciated.
Copies of this FAQ may be obtained by anonymous ftp to
pit-manager.mit.edu ( under
/pub/usenet/news.answers/feminism/resources. Or, send email to
mail-server@pit-manager.mit.edu with the subject line "send
usenet/news.answers/feminism/resources", leaving the body of the
message empty.
Summary of changes:
OWL and PSEW added
I. Feminist Organizations
II. Related Organizations
III. Feminist and Women-Oriented Magazines
IV. Feminist and Women-Oriented Electronic Mailing Lists
V. Catalogues.
Disclaimer: This is intended to be an informational compilation of
potential resources for women. No endorsement of any particular
organization herein is to be inferred from its presence in this
I. Feminist Organizations.
Association of Libertarian Feminists (ALF) [USA]
P.O.Box 20252, London Terrace P.O.
New York, New York 10011
Membership is $ 10 and includes 4 issues of the newsletter.
Goals are to (quoting from their newsletter header):
* encourage women to become economically self-sufficient and
psychologically independent
* publicize and promote realistic attitudes toward female
competence, achievement and potential
* oppose the abridgment of individual rights by any government
on account of sex
* work toward changing sexist attitudes and behavior exhibited
by individuals
* provide a libertarian alternative to those aspects of the
women's movement that tend to discourage independence and
Association for Women in Computing
AWC, Inc. National
41 Sutter Street
Suite 1006
San Francisco, California 94104
This is a national organization which was begun 14 years ago.
Feminists For Life (FFL) [USA]
811 E 47th Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64110
Feminists for Life is a pro-woman pro-life organization. The
feminist part is they support equal opportunity and equal
protection under the law for women, i.e., "mainstream" feminism
minus the abortion rights agenda. The pro-life part means they
are anti-abortion, anti-capital punishment, anti-euthanasia, etc.,
i.e., support a consistent life ethic. From the statement of
purpose: "As seekers of peace and equality and protectors of life,
we pursue constructive, non-violent solutions to human problems.
Since feminism rests upon the principles of justice, non-violence,
and non-discrimination, abortion and other forms of
institutionalized killing are inconsistent with these founding
principles. We seek to identify and correct those practices which
exploit women and children and deny them their true equality. As
feminist women and men, we must be consistent in our demand for
human rights." FFL is a secular organization and a national one,
though many states have state chapters.
Foundation for Women's Resources
Fund for the Feminist Majority, The [USA]
(also called The Feminist Majority Foundation)
P.O. Box 96780
Washington DC 20077-7277
The Fund for the Feminist Majority, located in Washington DC, was
founded by Eleanor Smeal a few years ago [2-4], primarily as a
research organization or a feminist institute. Eleanor Smeal is a
former NOW president.
Its status as an organization separate from NOW is unclear to me
[and others too]. Some people include the Fund as part of NOW,
others believe Ms Smeal still runs NOW. In any case, the methods
of the two groups are different.
The Fund does not "lobby" in the typical sense of the word, as NOW
does. However, the Fund does maintain strong positions such as:
- pro choice
- anti pornography
The Fund accumulates and disseminates information about the status
of, and on issues pertaining to, women.
The Fund's primary campaign has been the "5% campaign", referring
to the fact that while women comprise the majority of the
population, the have only a meager 5% representation in all forms
of government. The goal of this campaign is to get more women
elected to government positions. It seems to be the Fund's belief
that social change will only happen through changes in government.
International Network of Women in Technology (WITI)
4641 Burnet Avenue,
Sherman Oaks CA 91403
WITI@cup.portal.com, 818 990-1987.
Press Release in December 1991:
The International Network of Women in Technology (WITI) today
announced the formation of a grass roots organization of women
in technology from all sectors. A cooperative, mutually
supportive international organization, WITI seeks to form
strategic alliances with industry, government and universities
to dramatically improve the status of women in technology
towards advancing into higher levels of management and fulfill
significant leadership roles.
"In industry and government, the role of technology is a
critical factor in winning global markets and establishing
timely competitive advantages. Women are positioned as never
before to participate on an equal economic and political status
with men!" said Carolyn Leighton, Founding Executive Director
and President of Criterion Research. The recent Department of
Labor "Glass Ceiling Report" recently concluded that women are
not successfully pushing beyond mid-management boundaries - only
a 3% difference in the last 10 years. In the executive
management ranks, the track record is even more dismal,
according to a recent Fortune survey. WITI's mission is to
change this statistic dramatically by ensuring that its members
can participate in opportunities where their capabilities and
expertise can have significant positive impact and visible
success. One key to success is the ready accessibility to and
leverage of information and expertise available through the WITI
worldwide electronic network.
"It is time for us to return to a positive, entrepreneurial,
pioneering spirit", continued Leighton. "Our energy should not
be wasted on defensive or offensive tactics, but instead, affirm
the power we already hold - our intelligence, intuitiveness,
creativity and natural leadership skills. We want to team with
top leaders to find better technological solutions to problems
not being dealt with effectively. Instead of insisting on
nonsexist terms, I would prefer to see and hear terms like
'Chairwoman of the Board' as frequently as 'Chairman of the
WITI plans to link with other organizations to leverage
others' efforts to the benefit of WIT members and looks forward
to making contacts with other groups committed to improving
women's participation in technical leadership.
League of Women Voters, The [USA]
PO Box 96045
Washington, DC 20077-7330
OR (don't know which is current)
1730 M Street
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 429-1965
"Founded in 1920, the League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan
political organization that encourages citizens to play an
informed and active role in government. At the local, state, and
national levels, the League works to influence public policy
through education and advocacy. Any person of voting age, male or
females, may become a League member. All members receive `The
National Voter.'"
The League DOES NOT endorse candidates! It does endorse issues at
the local, state, and national levels. It currently holds the
position, at the national level, that "public policy in a
pluralistic society must affirm the right of privacy to make
reproductive choices." The cover story in the April/May 1991
"National Voter" was on "Protecting the Right to Choose" --
full-page letter from the LWV President in that issue detailed the
League's "Take Back the System" campaign.
"Take Back the System" endorses:
1) Push for televised debates during primaries.
2) A 900 number for campaign watches, for voters
to complain about or praise specific campaigns.
3) Expand the electorate -- improve and extend registration
efforts, particularly among 18-25 year old Americans.
4) Push for campaign finance reform: limit the amount cadidates
can receive from PACs; limits and disclosures of "soft money"
donations; restore federal tax credits for small political
contributions from individuals.
5) Push to reach "disaffected" citizens who have taken themselves
out of the "system" because of frustration, anger, or confusion.
National Action Commitee on the Status of Women, The [CANADA]
National Organization of Women (NOW) [USA]
NOW is the National Organization for Women. It was headed by
Molly Yard for many years; Patricia Ireland is the new president
as of 1991.
1) Pro-choice.
2) Officially neutral on questions of banning pornography:
``We are, obviously, acutely aware of the dangers of limiting
free speech and publications, because many feminist
publications have been, at various points, subject to
suppression.'' Patricia Ireland, [at the time] NOW's
executive vice president.
Project on the Status and Education of Women [USA]
Association of American Colleges
1818 R Street, NW
Washington DC 20009
"The Project on the Status and Education of Women of the
Association of American Colleges provides information concerning
women in education, and works with institutions, government
agencies and other associations and programs affecting women in
higher education. The Project is funded by Carnegie Corporation
of New York and The Ford Foundation."
They have a number of publications and articles available via mail
for a modest fee (write to the above address, enclose the money).
For a list of all PSEW publications, send a self-addressed,
stamped envelope with your request. Among these publications are:
* _In Case of Sexual Harassment: A Guide for Women_ ($2)
* _"Friends" Raping Friends: Could it Happen to You?_ ($2)
* Sexual Harassment Package ($5). Includes
_Sexual Harassment: A Hidden Issue_
Selected Articles from ON CAMPUS WITH WOMEN
_Title VII Sexual Harassment Guidelines and Educational
_What Can Students do about Sexual Discrimination?_
_Writing a Letter to the Sexual Harasser: Another Way of
Dealing With the Problem_
_Harvard Issues Statement about Sexual Harassment and
Related Issues_
* Campus Rape Packet ($5). Includes
_Campus Gang Rape: Party Games?_
_The Problem of Rape on Campus_
* Student Climate Issues Packet ($7). Includes
_The Classroom Climate: A Chilly One for Women?_
_Selected Activities Using "The Classroom Climate: A Chilly
One for Women?"_
_Out of the Classroom: A Chilly Campus Climate for Women?_
* _Looking for More Than a Few Good Women in Traditionally Male
Fields_ ($5)
Society of Women Engineers
United Engineering Center, Room 305
345 East 47th Street
New York, NY 10017
(212) 705-7855
(From the SWE Section Manual:) "The Society of Women Engineers is
a non-profit, educational, service organization of graduate
engineers, men and women with equivalent engineering experience,
and men and women who are dedicated to the advancement of women in
the the engineering profession. It is a national organization
numbering in the thousands with some international members."
"The Society of Women Engineers:
- Stimulates women to achieve full potential in careers as
engineers and leaders
- Expands the image of the engineering profession as a positive
force in improving the quality of life
- Demonstrates the value of diversity."
SWE is organized in local "sections" (both student and
professional). Many sections of SWE have speaker's bureaus that
give speaches/presentations to local schools, many are involved in
Girl Scouts badge programs. One section actually began a "Teacher
In Service Training Program", where local SWE members ran a course
to teach more science to elementary school teachers. There are
regional meetings and a national convention too. I attended a
regional convention that focused upon skills development (e.g.
negotiation skills, mentoring (giving and receiving), public
Women's Action Alliance [USA]
Women in Engineering Program Advocates Network (WEPAN)
WEPAN (Women in Engineering Program Advocates Network) was founded
2 years ago by Cathy Deno and directors of Women in Engineering
Programs at Stevens Institute of Technology (Susan Metz) and the
University of Washington (Suzanne Brainard). We had a national
conference sponsored by NSF and several corporations in June, 1990
at which it was decided to form a new organization (rather than
become a part of the Society of Women Engineers or the American
Society of Engineering Education). The purpose of WEPAN is "to
increase the number of young women who pursue careers in
engineering by encouraging the initiation and expansion of Women
in Engineering Programs at colleges and universities throughout
the United States." WEPAN was incorporated in 1991 and held
another National Conference. We now have a membership of some 239
individuals from more than 100 different institutions and
There are several publications which have resulted from the first
two years of existence which may be of interest to you. All of
them can be ordered from:
Cathy Deno
WEPAN Member Services
Purdue University
Women in Engineering Programs
CIVL Bldg. - G293
West Lafayette, IN 47907
by e-mail: wiep@ecn.purdue.edu
by phone: (317) 494-5387
* Proceedings, Women in Engineering Conference May 30-June 1,
1990 (257 pages, 41 papers) - no charge while quantities last
* Proceedings, Women in Engineering Conference June 2-4, 1991
(178 pages, 23 papers) - $15
* Directory of College/University Programs for Women in
Engineering (40 pages, listing of contact persons and program
offerings of 187 institutions) - single copies, no charge
* Catalogue of Resource Materials for Women in Engineering
Programs (almost 1200 entries describing: Program Fundings,
Program Offerings, Professional Networks, Publications
Available and Prevalent Issues) - available on disc - $25 for
non-members or hard copy $25 everyone; individual sections
can also be reproduced at cost of copies and mailing.
Membership in WEPAN is $30 for an individual, $200 for an
institution (which can designate three individuals as members),
$500 for a corporate membership (which can designate three
individuals as members), or $1,000 for an endowing corporate
member (which can designate five individuals as members).
Women's International Network News
Fran P. Hosken
187 Grant Street
Lexington, MA 02173
"All the news that is fit to print by, for, and about women".
Four issues a year, institutional subscriptions $40, individual
$30, previous years, $15. Fran will mail out a copy to anyone
contributing information.
Fran is Austrian, graduated Smith in 1940, joined the Coast Guard,
has done field work worldwide, particularly in Africa. She has
written and taught widely on architecture, urban studies, women's
development and communication, is working on a series of
educational childbirth materials for worldwide use, is famous for
her human rights/ health action network, which agitated unto the
UN on genital and sexual mutilation of women and is listed in most
Women's Online Network (WON)
The Women's Online Network (WON) will distribute information, aid
in the coordination of useful political action, and provide a
forum for devloping strategies to improve the position of women in
our society.
Carmela M. Federico and Stacy M. Horn founded WON in January 1992.
It is based in New York City on ECHO, Ms. Horn's public BBS. Its
members will include online women, women's organizations, and
citizens throughout the United States who are interested in a just
society. WON will focus on direct action, advocacy, and
dissemination of the information that women need to "make
decisions, work freely and play with abandon." Groups have
already used WON to distribute information about silicone breast
implants and to coordinate efforts to prevent the re-election of
Congresspeople whot voted to confirm Judge Thomas.
Through Internet mail, WON members will communicate with each
other and post notices of political actions. A discussion forum
on ECHO will also be established, the contents of which will be
distributed electronically to members who choose not to join ECHO.
ECHO membership will be offered at a reduced rate to WON members.
To join WON, you can contact the co-founders at (212) 255-3839
(voice), (212) 989-8411 (ECHO) or via email to either:
carmela@echo.panix.com or horn@echo.panix.com. Membership entails
a yearly fee of $20, negotiable if necessary.
II. Related Organizations.
[By "related," I mean organizations that are not specifically feminist,
but enjoy feminist support, or are for/by women.]
American Association of University Women
ATTN: Julia Severson
1111 16th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
American Women's Self Defense Association
713 N. Wellwood Avenue
Lindenhurst, NY 11757
Attention: Elizabeth Kennedy
(516) 226-8383
A non-profit organization, AWSDA is dedicated to promoting women's
awareness about rape prevention and self defense. FBI statistics
indicate that one in ten women will be raped. Some studies have
shown that one in four women may be sexually assaulted in her
lifetime. These figures, if correct, are abhorrent and AWSDA is
trying to do something about it. AWSDA is in the process of
setting up programs to do things such as national advertising
campaigns, and maintaining a referral database of services
available for victims of violent crimes. AWSDA helps to further
educate male and female self defense and rape prevention
instructors by holding an annual seminar and by publishing a
quarterly newsletter. Through sharing our expertise (particularly
via the newsletter and annual seminars) AWSDA brings together all
of those people interested in women's self defense.